Below is what a water jet looks like :

As you guys can see, in the above photo it looks new. But the one im using looks more ancient. I used it for my house a few days ago and it was fine. To make this water jet thingy to work is suppose to be easy.MAKE SURE YOU ONLY DO IT OUTDOORS. Like what the salesman probably said "Can clean and wasss (wash) floor eeejii (easy) wannn...Nawww (No) plablem (problem)...But u seeeeeeee...ah...(pls read this part carefully) u have to use a hose that is already connected to the water pipe to connect it to the connector of the water jet machine. If connected properly; turn on the the ON button on the machine...and it should work and you're all set to shoot away (the floors i mean). But haaaaaa......this timeee ah.....I turned on the tap..switched on the button; there's water coming out from the tap instead. NOOOO!!!....its not suppose to be that way..Its suppose to come out from the nozzle of the gun. Still don't understand??Scroll up, take a look at the picture than go back here...Okay so it has been a bad day i'll just summarize up what happened; it'll be too long to read and might bore you to death. Here's what happened:
- the hose was not properly connected to the tap. the hose was abit too large. drove all the way back home to BDC to take the hose that fits, from my house. From Tabuan Jaya to BDC not that far, but the traffic at that time was having PMS.
- got the hose from home; attached it to the water pipe. turned on water, switched on water jet. Yay, can be used!!!
- Dad wanted to move the water jet nearer to me; so it would be easier. Don't know what he did.the connecter to the water jet in patah la.
- went to hardware store bought new connector. fixed it. turn on the tap. the tap went berserk and cannot be turned off. Turned OFF the main water supply..the ones near the drains outside of your house.
- go hardware store 'palak paip'. fixed it. everything was suppose to be fine after that.
- We (my aunt Doris, Dad & I) refuse to admit defeat to the rain. So we wore funny old school jackets, you know those tracksuit jackets?? (grandma's place'd think i cud find something hip??) and petani hats. Aren't we cool -.-".
- manage to clean the drains and car porch squeaky more fungus amongus and mold.was about to clean the other side of the porch...semangat kobar-kobar; hoping i cud finish everything 2day as I have 2 weddings to attend in 1 weekend.
- the water jet's hose (not the main hose) was punctured. 3 holes.
I gave in. Looked up and smiled.Raised my petani head and wave (as if its a white flag), hoping i'll have better luck tommorow. God indeed has an amazing sense of humor. :)
Hahaha...what a tough day. I probably go and watch TV if something like that happen. Sabar yer..hahaha
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