Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Mental Note For A Lover

I miss you.

Loving you from a distance,
Natasha A. Juan

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Expendables Hath Tickled My Funny

I watched this movie yesterday:

It has been said that The Expendables is:

And so they say. My personal opinion? The only thing that I like about this movie is/ was:

Yes. Him.

Aside from the All Star cast in this movie there was nothing memorable about it. Yes, it is full blown action packed, explosives here and there, knifes and weapons it is a pretty much predictable movie. Nothing pretty much goes wrong in the movie. Maybe its just me or was it Sylvester Stallone? Haha. (excuse me, while I snicker).

Every time I see Sylvester Stallone I felt like laughing/ laughed. I laughed when he ran, I laughed when he smiled and I laughed when he cried (on other encounters when I saw his face, popcorn got shot out from my nose). Maybe it was the botox or face-lift or what ever surgeries Hollywood surgeons practiced on him ( I guess thats why its called practice). I just could not take him seriously.

I would like to say the same goes for Mr. Terry Crews. He was Hale Caesar in the movie who happens to be a weapon specialist. He wasn't too shabby in this movie, not as bad as Sylvester but it was hard for me to take him seriously as well. Maybe it was because of this:

In a split second I recall Mr. Crews singing Vanessa Carlton's, A Thousand Miles in the White Chick.

Then, there is Jet Li. Who is named Yin Yang in this movie. Cliche much? Well we all know Jet Li knows how to fight well. In this movie he was made fun of his height. And his fights? Nothing we haven't seen him do. He did not fly. I want to see him fly. Why didn't he fly. Please tell me why? (Sorry couldn't help it, it rhymed.)

I realized that I somehow dropped my jaw a couple of times halfway throughout the movie. Then I realized it was just the sound effects.

Okay, okay, I guess I'm not giving much credit to the movie or it's all-stars. I'm too much of an imaginative person, I know, I know. It is out of my control. Do watch it though, I must say it is somehow an entertaining movie.

Why didn't I mention the other stars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin (grabs 2 cans of beer and slams it against each other, but nothing happens), Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts and bla bla bla, (oh, there was one funny eared guy but I don't know who he is) is simply because I am lazy and I don't feel like copy and pasting from Wikipedia.

Thank you for viewing.

Have a nice day.

Lot's of love,
Natasha A. Juan


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freedom Of Expression

I have a graphic mind. What ever you say to me will develop mental pictures. Watch your mouth. I'll watch mine.

Natasha A. Juan

My Loving Ghost

We had a fine dinner. Lit candles, classical jazz, beautiful flowers adorning the table. He cooked great dinner I must say. I felt a little embarrassed, as a lady; and still could not cook half as well as he did. I gazed at him unintentionally. Every time I tried not to look at him I failed miserably. The way he looked, his posture, his voice; he had so much love in his voice. He had a handsome face, and he was an exquisite dancer. I am a person who talks a lot, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes and attentiveness that he was actually listening. 

For a mere moment, there was silence. I could not express my feelings in words. He just looked at me with those glisten in his eyes. He had the most intense eyes yet soothing. He held my hands, filling up the spaces between my fingers with his. I felt the warmth. Suddenly I felt all trembly, I felt like crying but my ego said no. He smiled, and planted a kiss on my cheek. He whispered, "I love you, I will be back. Don't you dare go anywhere". I opened my eyes slowly and he was gone. I smiled to myself and went back to sleep, hoping that tonight, this ghost will stay much longer.

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Some people may tend to hate you if you seem perfect. Some may question your honesty if you are being nice. Some tend to step all over you when you are too humble. Some tend to to say something, even when you have said nothing. Most of the times people tend to remember a mistake a person has done but the rest of the good things remains unsaid.

But that's what is so amazing about life.

What ever that has happened today, may replay itself again tomorrow or turn it the other way round.

(This entry is taken from my personal journal dated 12th January 2005.)

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You

I was tearing up and smiling like a total idiot while admiring these photos.

I am a sucker when it comes to LOVE.


Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


My mind blew up.

Not to worry. I'll be fine once I finally put back pieces of my brains together.

I will be fine. (repeatedly chanting on this line.)

With love,
Natasha A. Juan

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Talk To Myself And I Actually Listen

Exams are over. Yeehaa! Victory dance, Macarena dance, Las Ketchup dance, Mambo no.5 dance, Poco-poco dance, Lion Dance; name me a dance to dance to please.

On a non-related event and on a much serious issue:

I have not lost my mind, I sold it to E-bay.

Thank you, you're welcome.

*Disclaimer: Due to too much force feeding of the brain this author is suffering from Post- Exam Syndrome. 

Pardon my dain bramage,
Natasha A. Juan

Friday, August 6, 2010


" I can't stop loving you. I just cant."

Neither can I.

:  )

*swoon swoon*

Loving you wholly,
Natasha A. Juan

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Turn The Right Way

It is easy to blame others during mishaps. Sometimes it's not a bad thing at all, when a day does not go your way. The good and the bad. I guess we all as mortal humans have to accept them equally. My reason to this is; if the contrast is lost, you tend to lose the appreciation. If you lose the appreciation; you will lose the value of everything.

Here's a thought to ponder upon:

I know there are days when you think the world has turned it's back on you. Do a double take and take a real good look. You might has just turned your back on the world.

Live and love with all your heart.

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ready For Love

" I will be patient, kind, 
  faithful and true.
  To a man who loves music;
  a man who loves art,
  respect's the spirit world,
  and thinks with his heart."
    -India Arie

The reason to how/why I fell/ still am falling so madly in love with HIM.

I am ready for LOVE.

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan


On this quiet night. I look up upon the only star.I close my eyes as I feel the gentle breeze of the night. Recalling back all those memories. The face, the voice and the touch which I longed for. Remembering the autumn tree; with two love birds sitting on the branch. A gust of wind passed me by,slowly opening my eyes. At a cold night like this. My heart felt your warmth. My thoughts were clouded with you in it. As I age a day at a time, my love for you blossoms as the pendulum swings.

Ahh. Let it grow, let it grow.

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Halfway up the wall a little boy looked down and stopped.

Little Boy: I can't!!!!

Us (PK, Fahriee, Chelle, Morgan and I): Yes, you can. Just a little bit more!!!

Little Boy: I cannot!!!! (shuts his eyes, reached his hands up to the next rock)

Us: Yessss, you can!!!

Little Boy: I cannot!!!( still keeps on climbing even when frantically shouting)

He finally reaches the top.

Us: Yeay!(Rooting and cheering away)

Little Boy: HOW DO I GET DOWN NOW?!!

Us: (Roars with laughter because he was so darn cute.)

This photo is credited to Jonathan Wong.

Don't worry he got down safely. He was one hell of a kid. Barely 4 feet tall yet but he never gave up even when he said he couldn't. When he got down to all his friends he started bragging away. Well, he definitely had earned it. : )

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Monday, August 2, 2010


The Moon is one of my favorite subject to take. Basically anything regarding the skies are my favorites in photo taking. Here is a shot of the moon from my balcony. I could have used a tripod but I do not own one so I just stopped breathing as the shutter goes on. I am a woman with many interest. I have plenty of hobbies which I enjoy and photography is one of them.

A little secret to tell you, every-time when I get the blues and is tremendously missing that special someone; I look at the night sky for comfort. I love the stars and how the moon shines its way through the night. Even for a mere moment, troubles and my worries fades at the sight of the milky way.

My man posted this on my wall in my Facebook account the other day. It's so beautiful. Do check it out.

Like always; spread the love. ;)

With love,
Natasha A. Juan

Page 6 and 7

6. Inspiration
    It walked away from me today.
    I did not even see it coming.
    I hope it comes back.
    I hope it does.

    Oh, nooooo...
    Please do come back.

7. Perfectly Flawed

    I am a person with flaws.
    I thought I could refrain myself from being angry.
    They thought so too.
    I overlooked.
    I found myself in the midst of angst.
    Just that it never stayed long enough.

(Taken from my personal journal.)

Love always,
Natasha A. Juan

Sunday, August 1, 2010

8 Months

has gone by.

And I find myself still madly in love with you.

You make me fall in love with you even more.

Each and every single day.

You are my best friend.

You are my lover.

You are my man.

Don't you worry.

I am not going anywhere.

p/s: I love you, like I always do.

: )

With sooo much love,
Natasha A. Juan