Monday, April 26, 2010

A Tribute To A Life Partner

I can live without a husband but NOT without a life partner.

I am pretty sure that I can live alone,

But I'd rather not. Why? You may ask?

You see, I'd love to share my love with someone and give all my loving to.

NO. Not share it like this. No.No. And No.

And, I promise I will not be ashamed if he looks like this going out with me. But I'll promise you I'll get him a tasteful shirt on him birthday. Oh. I will love him no less. Don't you worry.

This world has too much of beauty, knowledge, and passion for me to not share it.

And it is too big of a world for me to be selfish.

Plus, I wouldn't mind getting stuck with another rather than my own. 

I will try to survive on my own if I have to. But I will not let my heart wither. For I do not want to live with echoes of my own thoughts. 

To my future life partner, will you, would you, take my hand? Be my inspiration.Smile, laugh, cry with me? Would you? I don't promise you perfection. But, I'll be here. Right here.With you.

I am not emotional.

I am just a very sentimental person.

With heaps of love,
Natasha A. Juan

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Please Ink Me

I have been thinking of doing  this to myself; (notice the arms?)

But the fact of living in this country wouldn't allow me to do so. Since I'm unemployed and still a student. I can't. Believe me I am dying to. I guess I will just have to deal with just having a back piece then. Expanding what I already have, I might need at least 2 sessions or three to fill up the whole back. 

Will let you know when my mind's made up (this may take a very very long while.)

Enjoy your weekend. :)

Natasha A. Juan

Saturday, April 24, 2010

For What It Is Worth

"To speak of love without involving any passion, is better left unspoken."

- Natasha A. Juan

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Natasha the Surrealist


I enjoy photo editing.

Fortunately for me, this semester; I had an assignment which required me to create a PHOTO MONTAGE using Adobe Photoshop from scratch. After layers and layers of combining different images, tweaking here and there, not to mention zooming and un-zooming (is there even such a word?) the image countless times.

Oh. I forgot to mention that I am currently using a HP Mini (which is smaller than a A4 size paper) so I'll have to zoom in and zoom out (ah hah! theres the word) my own eyes too.

This is how my end product looks like.

*To view larger, click on image.*

I sincerely, Thank You for taking the time to view my blog.

With lots of love from,

A playful but responsible student (or at least, I try to be),
Natasha A. Juan

Love Letters Straight From My Heart

My love,

Though we may be oceans apart.
Love has never been any closer.
Distance has never separated us.
For it is time that brought us physically away;
but my heart, NEVER.

I do long for you,
beyond what you could even imagine.
This is why I am surviving time.
This is why I feel glad even to be sad;
when thinking of you.

Even when you are a sea away,
You always stick by me.
Best of all; you're here when I need you.
Especially, even when I don't.

p/s: I love you, and I thank you for all the loving from the depths of my soul.

A survivor of love and time,
Natasha A. Juan