I have submitted a favorite photo of mine to enter a Photo Sharing Contest called Snap, Share and Win.
I have been taking all the photos in this blog only by using a Olympus Pocket Camera.It has been a trusty tool but I am hoping to get a DSLR.

Title: The Journey Of A Thousand Miles , Begins With One Step
Here is the link to share: http://tech.701panduan.com/contest/send_card.php?id=823
Will you help me share this photo with your friends via email as it is a photo sharing contest. All you have to do is to share them by emailing to your friends. One opened email gets to have 1 'like'.It is a pretty complicated contest if you ask me, here are my reasons:
- barely any of my friends checks their inbox anymore (that includes me, unless asked to),instead their daily logins would be Twitter and Facebook and etc.
- the votes are base on the 'i like this' button, which is only enabled via email and not directly on the site.(this means any stranger who actually even likes my photo couldn't vote for me because I do not have their mail.
The only way for me to get votes is by emailing every single friend I have and pray that they even actually open the mail before deleting it (as the sender in the inbox is not under my name). Anyone can share the photos by just filling the form given and fill in the email addresses. I need to share, share, share and share. Please help me share?
I sincerely THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.:D
Be my miracle,
Natasha A. Juan
Haha! Now this is a first! I never read a post about monetary assistance to buy a digital camera! :-D
owh, its not a monetary post. i just need help in a chance to win a competition. the prize is a DSLR. :))))
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