This was what Lucy said to Peter who was is a coma in a hospital:
Do you believe in love? Nah, I bet you don't, You're probably too sensible for that. Or,have you ever like seen someone And you know that if only That person really knew you, They'd of course dump the perfect model They were with and realize that you are The one they want to grow old with? Have you ever fallen in love With someone you've never even talked to? Have you ever been so alone You spent the night confusing a guy in a coma?
"Yes, indeed love is blind. But, do not forget that you still are left with other senses. Your ears (to listen), your mouth (to seek for answers), your hands (to touch) and most importantly; your heart (to feel)...use them, wisely." -Natasha A. Juan-
My friend Merlvyn Kho just won 2 tickets to Saosin's Live in Malaysia Concert and had asked me to come with him. But, sadly I have to pass this opportunity since my studies are standing in the way.*Sigh* Damn. But then again, I have to say that the thought of how thoughtful he was to even ask me brightens up my day.
Would you believe this conveyed message, today? Advertisement are indeed powerful mediums to get through the masses in those good ol' days. You tend to believe what ever you see or read. An effective one way communication. We do not have Google back then. Kann?
Lies sell, back then. If it were to happen now, the tobacco company would most probably be in huge pile of trouble.
During this era, they managed to convince women that smoking does reduce weight.
Try doing this in our modern world, you will probably get b!tched slapped in no time.
I love pin ups!
The Elegance
Cute Tattooed Pin Up Girl
Sexy French Maid
I just simply adore how posters look back then. Absolutely stunning. Don't you think so?
The skies have been weeping since forever, here in Kuching. But then again, this is not a weather forecast. Happy New Year, everybody! I know it has been 18 days past the New Year but what the heck, I am wishing you guys anyway since I just had my new year's countdown yesterday. Haha. Yes. I am thaaatt S-L-O-W. Anyways, everyone has been asking me what was my new year's resolution. *scratches her head like a chimp*. Sadly, I have none. I do not have a New Year's resolution. What I do have are Life Resolution(s). Which is; to love unconditionally, to gain knowledge along with wisdom and to explore life neverendingly. Plain simple and it has no datelines, expiry dates or whatever you want to call it. Let me just be the best of me, simply because it happens when it happens (goals and dreams included). I am stoked.
Okay okay... So I have been in a sentimental mood recently. Haaaa.... You got a problem with that? Bite me. I happen to have an old soul okay? But I so happen to enjoy my Metal. Heck, the last gig I went to was Sarawak Metal Force which was right before Christmas '09 and the last concert I went to was Soilwork. Ngggaaaaaa.... I so want to go to Lamb of God. I AM DYING TO GO. Then again, priorities are siding on my studies. Okay Lamb of God, I think I may have to let you go. For now. My last year in college, this year. I have to finish what I started, like it or not. Anyways, I can't complain much since my life has been pretty much great since last Christmas.
I'm going to post you this effin' awesome number from Amon Amarth, the video is epic. Epic.*Warning: This video is not for the faint hearted. This ain't no jazz. You have been warned.
Another favourite of mine is Ratamahatta, from Sepultura (when Max was still in it of course). I just love these beats. Plus they perform awesome LIVE.
I have ran out of words, so I am allowing music to do the expressing for me. Allow me to put up this song beautifully written by Burt Bacharach and sung by Herp Albert for you. Slow dance with me to this song, will you?
The skies are bleaker than ever. Tonight my Luna would not even pay me a visit. I wonder why. Where could she possibly have gone to? Not even her friends are out to play. Drowned in my own silence, I start to think of "him". His ghost is everywhere. Have I lost my mind? How possible it was for me to start imagining things. As I recalled these past 3 days, the skies kept on weeping, thus leaving me feeling melancholic, and rather somber. My life is no melodrama; there is no need for exaggerations and involving stereotypical characters in it. But why oh why, am I having this uneasy feeling. I could not possibly be sad. No. I am rather quite the opposite. I am actually quite content with everything in my life. Could I possibly be lonely? Nah, I must be out of my mind to even be capable of thinking that as a possibility. I am in love and beautifully loved by "him". Looking back, yesterday I was in my best mood; singing and humming to Julie London, dancing and prancing whenever I felt like doing so. "What troubles you, love?" he kindly asks today, seeing I was not my usual chirpy self. There was none, (problem/ trouble) really, that I could think of to feed his curiosity. Ah, never mind, never mind, never mind. Maybe my life is melodramatic after all.
On a lighter note, do enjoy this:
This song has been stuck in my head for days, aside from Julie London's,"Fly Me to the Moon. "I Can't Smile Without You by Barry Manilow. I was out one night on a Karaoke season with "Him" and my best friend, J. It was the night of my birthday, right after a splendid dinner. All three of us belted out to this song, and I could not stop humming to this ever since. I brutally enjoy Metal but believe me, I do appreciate and love the Classics.
These photos that I managed to capture are taken from Sematan Beach and Pandan Beach, located in Sarawak, The Island of Borneo. I hope this answers your question as many of you are quite curious. Thank you for viewing my blog and I do hope you enjoy the scenes from my memory. With love, Natasha A. Juan