The skies have been weeping since forever, here in Kuching. But then again, this is not a weather forecast. Happy New Year, everybody! I know it has been 18 days past the New Year but what the heck, I am wishing you guys anyway since I just had my new year's countdown yesterday. Haha. Yes. I am thaaatt S-L-O-W. Anyways, everyone has been asking me what was my new year's resolution. *scratches her head like a chimp*. Sadly, I have none. I do not have a New Year's resolution. What I do have are Life Resolution(s). Which is; to love unconditionally, to gain knowledge along with wisdom and to explore life neverendingly. Plain simple and it has no datelines, expiry dates or whatever you want to call it. Let me just be the best of me, simply because it happens when it happens (goals and dreams included). I am stoked.
So,what are your life resolutions?
Well, what ever it may be, bear this in mind:

Oh. And this too:

With love,
Natasha A. Juan
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